"To the Stars Shining in the Depths" Version 4.1 New Areas and New Characters Skills

New Areas and New Characters Skills

屏幕截图 2023-09-27 142057
New Areas
New Areas in Fontaine Now Available
In Version 4.1, the Liffey Region and Fontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region will become available in Fontaine. After the Version 4.1 update, a Teleport Waypoint will be automatically unlocked in the north of the Court of Fontaine Region for Travelers who have completed Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom" (If the Archon Quest has been completed prior to the update, the Teleport Waypoint will be unlocked automatically). The Teleport Waypoint will reward Travelers with Primogems upon automatic unlocking. No new Waypoints will be unlocked if the Waypoint has already been unlocked.
New Daily Commissions will be added in Fontaine.
◇ New Daily Commissions Unlock Criteria:
Complete World Quest "Fontaine Research Institute Chronicles"
In addition, there will be new Fishing Points and "Radiant Spincrystals" in Fontaine.
New Characters
1. "Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment" Neuvillette (Hydro) (5-Star)
Vision: Hydro
Weapon: Catalyst
The Chief Justice of Fontaine, known as the Iudex, is renowned for his unassailable impartiality.
Neuvillette has a Charged Attack that can be charged up and while charging, he can move, change facing, and absorb Sourcewater Droplets in a particular area. Each Droplet absorbed increases charging speed and heals him. When charging is complete, Neuvillette unleashes a Charged Attack called Equitable Judgment, and it deals continuous Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area. However, using this attack when his HP is above 50% causes him to continuously lose HP.
Neuvillette's Elemental Skill is called O Tears, I Shall Repay. It summons a Raging Waterfall that deals Hydro DMG to opponents and generates a specific number of Sourcewater Droplets after hitting an opponent.
Neuvillette's Elemental Burst is called O Tides, I Have Returned. It unleashes waves that deal Hydro DMG to opponents and generates a certain number of Sourcewater Droplets.
2. "Emissary of Solitary Iniquity" Wriothesley (Cryo) (5-Star)
Vision: Cryo
Weapon: Catalyst
Duke of the Fortress of Meropide, Lord Incognito of the murky depths.
Wriothesley's Elemental Skill is called Icefang Rush, which allows him to enter the Chilling Penalty state, increasing his interruption resistance. When his HP is above 50%, his Normal Attack consumes his HP to enhance it and increase its DMG when hitting opponents.
Wriothesley's Elemental Burst is called Darkgold Wolfbite, which activates his boxing gloves and uses Icicle Impact to deal multiple instances of Cryo DMG in a frontal area.
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