
Agnimantha - Agnimantha Price - Agnimantha Benefits - Agnimantha Uses - Theyoungchemist

Agnimantha  - Agnimantha Price - Agnimantha Benefits -  Agnimantha Uses  – Theyoungchemist

  • It is a tree with an average height of 25 to 30 feet and its stem and branches seem to be covered with Thorns all over its surface. From the utilization perspective, we use the leaves and the bark of the tree. Basically it is collected from the areas of the region of Ganga River, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengal. It is best used to cure skin disorders of multiple abnormalities.
  • How Agnimantha is known in your area?


    • If you are from a Hindi speaking state, you can know it as Arni or Agathu. For the people belonging to Bengal, it is known as Gani bhaari. In Gujarati, it is known as Arni. In Malayalam, it is called Taakli. For the Telugu speaking States, Agnimantha is known as Nelichetta.



    • It is very good for health and heart. It purifies blood and acts as an energizer for the heart. It can cure multiple skin disorders like Utricaria and enhances the complexion of  skin .



    • At the time of inflammation or pain, boiling its leaves and using them at the region of pain gives instant relief. Using the paste of the Young chemist are  Agnimantha roots  specifically used for skin purposes and glowing helps you maintain a perfect health with complexion.




    • This is a medicine, and needs to be used with the proper prescription suggests the doses for the drug.


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