Essay on "Cruelty to Animals"

Essay on "Cruelty to Animals"

The relationship ****ween man and the animal world is very ambiguous. On the one hand, people take care of our little brothers, tame them and do not let them disappear into the street.

Essay on "Cruelty to Animals"


The relationship between man and the animal world is very ambiguous. On the one hand, people take care of our little brothers, tame them and do not let them disappear into the street. On the other hand, animals are often a source of food for us, their fur is used to make shoes and clothing, and scientists perform various experiments on experimental rats, chimpanzees and other helpless little animals. Of course, you can for writing brilliant essays.


Such an ambiguous attitude to the natural world causes a certain dissonance in society. That is why all kinds of organizations that fight for the rights of our lesser brothers appear. The largest of these foundations is the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), which unites 150 countries. You can writing papers for money to avoid typical writing mistakes.



Cruel treatment is commonly understood as intentional infliction of pain or physical harm to animals for hooliganism or any other purpose other than self-defense. Such actions are considered a criminal offense in Russia and other countries and are punishable by appropriate penalties.


It seems to me that this is a very correct measure, because people who allow themselves such behavior should definitely be brought to justice. But unfortunately we can not always prevent domestic violence against animals, because no one knows what callous owners do with their pets behind closed doors. Friend, visit to make your homework essay.


Sometimes even children can be cruel to animals. And it is not just little kids pulling the cat's tail out of curiosity, but fully grown conscientious kids shooting birds with guns with plastic bullets, torturing frogs, mice or pet turtles.


This is because none of the adults explained to the children why they should not treat our little brothers in this way. And in time such children grow into adults, capable of causing harm not only to animals, but also to other people.


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