Cooking Shrimp in Air Fryer - Tips and Tricks

Savor delectable shrimp by cooking it in an air fryer. Keep on reading to know the useful tips and tricks to prepare it.

Nothing is better than cooking shrimp in air fryer. It is because this appliance requires minimal or no oil to cook. Moreover, you don’t have to go through a risky procedure of dealing with hot oil. Also, you can enjoy an easier way of cooking shrimp. Fried shrimp is one of the shrimp recipes that you can perfectly cook. You can utilize any recipe on the seafood menu for cooking shrimp in air fryer. Such as crispy battered shrimp or savory garlic butter shrimp.

That’s why, in this blog, we’re going to tell you tips and tricks for cooking shrimp. Just like the one you have at seafood near me restaurants. By following these tips and tricks, cooking shrimp in air fryer will impress your guests and leave them craving more.


A healthier way to cook: You can get the same crispy texture and tantalizing flavor without using a lot of oil by using an air fryer. Shrimp has a low-fat level by nature. Moreover, cooking shrimp in air fryer preserves the succulent texture of the food while cutting calories.

Fast and effective: The short cooking periods of air fryers are popular. The fryer's high heat and quick air circulation guarantee that shrimp cooks uniformly and in a far shorter amount of time. However, this is not the case when we apply traditional methods. Hence, by cooking shrimp in air fryer, you’ll be able to cook quickly.

Versatility: You may cook in a variety of ways with air fryers to suit your taste buds. Breading, seasoning, and even cooking with a sauce are some of the ways you can prepare shrimp. Moreover, feel free to innovate and try out different ways of cooking shrimp in air fryer.

Selecting The Ideal Shrimp for Air-Frying

Freshness counts: When selecting shrimp, choose the freshest ones available. The firm texture and sweet, delicate flavor of fresh shrimp complement the dish's overall flavor.

Tail-on or tail-off: When cooking shrimp, choose whether you want to cook it with the tail on or not. While removing the tail makes it easier to chew, leaving it on can improve presentation. The decision depends on your desired serving style and personal preferences.

Size-related factors: The length of cooking time and final flavor of the shrimp will depend on their size. Larger shrimp might take slightly more cooking time, whilst tiny shrimp can be cooked rapidly. Additionally, bear in mind that smaller shrimp have a subtler flavor, and jumbo shrimp seem to be sweeter and healthier.

Shell-on or shell-off: Shrimp can be cooked with or without shells, according to the way you want them. Cooking shrimp with their shells on provides more taste and juiciness. However, you must peel immediately after cooking. If you want to make cooking shrimp easier, then only opt for peeled shrimp.

Tips and Tricks for Cooking Shrimp

Prepare and Season Shrimp for Air Frying: Shrimp cooked in an air fryer is a simple, quick, and oil-free method. It yields wonderful results. Correct preparation and seasoning are essential. This guarantees that your shrimp is cooked to perfection and tastes delicious.

Select the proper shrimp: Choose the shrimp that are medium to large size. They should either be fresh or frozen. Prioritize fresh ones over frozen ones. However, if you’re unable to find fresh ones, then frozen are perfect. Just make sure that you defrost them before cooking. Remember to defrost them in the refrigerator. Moreover, make sure that shrimp are peeled and deveined.

Wash and dry the shrimp: Carefully wash the shrimp in cold water. Then use kitchen towels to pat them dry. When cooking shrimp that are overly wet, they may not become crispy.

Season the shrimp: Drizzle the shrimp with melted butter or olive oil. This is to ensure that the seasoning adheres to the shrimp. Also, add a dash of your preferred spice blend or a pre-made one. Popular options of spices include cayenne, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. You may also add any other seasoning blend that goes well with the shrimp.

Marinate for more flavor: For a stronger flavor, marinate the shrimp in a mixture of your favorite seasonings. For example, lemon juice, soy sauce, honey, minced garlic, etc. When air-frying the shrimp, let them marinate in the fridge for 15 to 30 minutes.

Suggestions for Air-Frying Shrimp to Get a Crispy Coating

Air fryer possesses the quality of cooking shrimp that has a golden brown coating. That’s why, for cooking shrimp that turns golden brown, follow these tips.

Apply panko or breadcrumbs

If you want to add even more crunch, be sure to dredge the seasoned shrimp in panko, or Japanese breadcrumbs. So first cover the shrimp in flour. Then dip them in beaten eggs. Next, coat them with breadcrumbs or panko. This method of coating provides a layer of texture that cooks into a crispy layer.

Heating the Air-fryer

Before using the air fryer, preheat it. This will improve the outcome. Before placing the shrimp in the air fryer, make sure to preheat it. Give it a few minutes to heat up. Preheating it beforehand ensures a crispier and crunchier coating.

Apply cooking spray

Lightly spray the shrimp with cooking spray to boost their crunchiness. This will provide similar results to deep-frying but without using a lot of oil.

Recommendations for The Temperature and Cooking Time of Air-Fried Shrimp

The size of the shrimp and the air fryer's wattage might affect the cooking time and temperature. Thus, follow the given pieces of advice to be on the safe side.

Temperature: For the majority of shrimp recipes, preheat the air fryer to 400°F (200°C). The desirable crispy exterior becomes possible by the high temperature.

Cooking time: Cooking shrimp requires 8 to 12 minutes, including flipping it halfway through. However, the cooking time varies with shrimp size. To check whether the shrimp are cooked or not, you may check its color, texture, and its internal temperature. It should have an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C). Moreover, the meat should be opaque and pink.

The Bottom Line

Cooking shrimp in an air fryer is an easier and quicker method. By following the above tips and tricks, you’ll be able to cook the perfect shrimp.

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