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Red Bryant and Brandon Mebane are a mess in the interior and typically get push into the backfield Madden nfl 24 Coins. It'll be a battle for Washington to block a Seattle front seven that will be an improvement over the front seven the Redskins played through on Sunday night.

With RGIII's limited mobility Washington must try to take on Seattle by air. But the Seahawks have one of the most effective defensive backfields on the Madden NFL 24 with a team that is led by Richard Sherman, who will be available following his appeal over a Madden NFL 24 suspension. Sherman leads the team with eight interceptions . They will likely be matched up with Pierre Garcon, Washington's biggest threat outside of the numbers. Garcon has provided a huge boost to the Redskins passing game, bouncing off a foot injury and creating several big plays down the stretch. However, Sherman as well as the secondary and the offensive rush are a different challenge for RGIII.

As the second. 2 overall selection, Griffin received much of public attention early on the season, but Wilson's performance was on par with his in the final stretch. The Seahawks made a decision to play conservatively early in the season, but Wilson was able to make big plays when he was called upon. Over the second half, Wilson has developed into a strong passer both in the pocket and on the run, keeping defenses on their toes and establishing a connection between Sidney Rice and Golden Tate. He's rarely erroneous and finished the season with 26 touchdown passes and just 10 interceptions.

Similar to Griffin, Wilson is also a threat on the ground, no matter whether it's purposely designed or by scrambling. He averaged over five yards per carry this year and also added four touchdowns on the rushing route. But it's Lynch who's the mainstay out of the backfield Cheap Mut 24 Coins. He averaged five yards per carry on the second-most attempts in the league. Similar to Wilson, Lynch rarely coughs the ball up, he's lost just two fumbles all year. A good turnover margin is usually the quickest way to win on the road, and Both Lynch and Wilson seldom give it away.

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