A few things you need to know before starting Star Wars The Old Republic

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The old republic seems to be a threat to newcomers. However, reading the game beforehand should do wonders for you. Since there are not too many "Star Wars" role-playing games, the most powerful contender in this genre is "Star Wars: The Old Republic" (SWTOR), which is an MMORPG. This is not a bad thing. In fact, despite the high status of MMORPG, SWTOR still casts a shadow over the output value of many of its current RPGs.

However, it is still the core of MMORPG, which means that it has certain mechanisms and intricate features that can enable novices, especially those novices to start. Those from other MMOs will find a lot of familiar SWTOR Credits in this theme park MMORPG. However, it is still a good idea to know what the blind expectations of SWTOR are. After all, you are not a Jedi Knight, and the troops cannot be prepared enough for this.

First of all, don't expect to see any popular staples in the "Star Wars" mythology here. Although "SWTOR" is a story-focused game, it is not far from the constraints of the "Star Wars" movie canon. It sets itself almost 3,600 years ago. It is essentially a pure example of the story. More precisely, the story of SWTOR takes place about 300 years after "Star Wars": "Knights of the Old Republic" and "Knights of the Old Republic 2." No, you don't have to play these two Bioware RPGs first to learn about SWTOR, the game does a good job of filling players.

Before starting the game, players are asked to choose a server for their character. Characters are server locked, and people cannot interact with other player characters on another server, so choose wisely. In order to transfer the server, players will need to buy Cheap SWTOR Credits in the IGGM store.

Regarding choosing a server suitable for novices, please choose a PvE server. PvP servers are not very friendly, because players cannot turn off faction-specific PvP killings in such servers. At the same time, RP or role-playing servers are suitable for people who like "Star Wars" lore too much, and exist in the area and expect specific social rules.


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