For all those who already own Minecraft: The Nintendo switch addition tends to receive the newest version of the sandbox game Minecraft. You are required to either follow the in-game prompts to download the latest version, or you can simply just find it in the Nintendo eShop. Our guide will show you how to connect the Microsoft Account to your Nintendo Switch using the .
The online subscription fee is actually determined straight by the platform on which you play, so if you have an Xbox live gold or Xbox game pass ultimate subscription, it would not actually be required for Nintendo switch players. But, do keep note of the fact that a Nintendo Switch Online subscription is definitely required for multiplayer gaming and to connect the microsoft link to Nintendo Switch.
But, just in case you did not know, the microsoft link is optional, and it is not really necessary if you wish to play Minecraft on a Nintendo switch. It’s a completely free account that can be used to sign in on any device.
How Do You Sign In To The Nintendo Switch?
![ Link](
1. When you reach the Minecraft game home screen, you have to select the Sign In with A Microsoft account.
2. This would further bring up a screen that would actually provide you with a unique eight-digit code and would instruct you to go to Remote Connect Page
3. Now, you have to complete your entire signing by simply entering the eight-digit code.