How Does ETL Benefit Business Intelligence?

In this article we have discussed about the how does ETL benefits business intelligence.

How Does ETL Benefit Business Intelligence?

The process of merging data from several sources into a sizable, central repository known as a data warehouse is called extract, transform, and load (ETL). ETL uses a set of business rules to organise and clean up raw data and prepare it for storage, data analytics, and machine learning (ML). Through data analytics, you may meet particular business intelligence goals (such as forecasting the results of business choices, creating reports and dashboards, reducing operational inefficiency, and more).In this article, we have discussed how ETL benefits business intelligence. To learn more about ETL benefits, join Etl Testing Online Training offered by FITA Academy.


Business intelligence and analytics are improved through extract, transform, and load (ETL) by improving the process' dependability, accuracy, detail, and efficiency.


1)Historical Context

ETL provides the organisation's data with rich historical context. An organisation can mix data from old platforms and applications with data from new ones. A long-term perspective on the data is possible since you can see older datasets with more recent data.


2)Consolidated Data View

ETL provides a consolidated picture of the data for in-depth study and reporting. Multiple dataset management requires planning and time, and it can cause delays and inefficiencies. ETL creates a unified data picture by combining databases and different data types. The data integration process enhances the quality of the data while reducing the time needed to transport, classify, or standardise the data. Large datasets are now more straightforward to analyse, visualise, and make sense of.


3)Accurate Data Analysis

ETL provides more precise data analysis to satisfy legal and statutory requirements. To profile, audit, and clean data, you can link ETL technologies with data quality tools, ensuring the data is reliable.


4)Task Automation

ETL streamlines analysis by automating routine data processing activities. Data migration is automated via ETL technologies, which can be configured to incorporate data changes sporadically or even in real time. Data engineers can innovate and spend less time handling time-consuming processes like moving and preparing data.


Thus, some ways ETL benefits business intelligence are Historical context, Consolidated data view, Accurate data analysis and task automation. Individual raw datasets can be prepared in a format and structure that is more digestible for analytics purposes by using the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process, leading to more insightful data. Online retailers, for instance, may estimate demand and manage inventory using data from points of sale. Marketing departments can analyse consumer behaviour by combining CRM data with social media customer reviews.

divya ram

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