Animal Crossing will be updated in 2021

No other rhythm will happen. People can visit each other’s islands and use user-generated content in a continuous, constantly changing and evolving environment, and bring people to their islands and share their islands with others.

Fans of Animal Crossing are very sensitive, and the Nintendo Switch game launched in 2021 will bring more updates.

Doug Bowser, as the president of Nintendo of America, Polygon conducted the latest interview with it. This year, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has achieved great success, and there will be more updates in 2021.

Bowser said that the performance of this game has far exceeded expectations, and a large part of the reason will be attributed to its user-generated content. Since March 2020, the core audience of this game has been maintained.

The ACNH Nook miles Ticket focus of future games lies in this, and is also providing information for next year's update.

Bowser said that there are "two potential ways" for the future development and progress of the game. One is learned in the developer’s update schedule. The update schedule is mainly formed around seasons, events, and enhanced game features.

Like Bowser said, the uniqueness of this game is the ability for people to truly rely on user-generated content and make it available and shared with friends.

No other rhythm will happen. People can visit each other’s islands and use user-generated content in a continuous, constantly changing and evolving environment, and bring people to their islands and share their islands with others.

On the other hand, over time, the interaction with Animal Crossing will be strengthened.

Bowser concluded that Nintendo will continue to release updates in order to allow users to produce more of their own content in the coming year. Elsewhere in the same interview, Nintendo’s boss gave the report on the Switch Pro model. You know, if players want to buy ACNH Bells from  it is definitely a very simple matter. You can also get some very cheap tickets on this website, which is very convenient.


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