He's a tough act to follow for anybody to follow

Ed Hochuli has cultivated the most cult-like following of anyone Madden NFL 23 official in the history of the sport. His long-winded, almost fatherly explanations of rulings that are overturned are legendary time, only surpassed in his abs.

Ed Hochuli has cultivated the most cult-like following of anyone Madden 23 ltds coins official in the history of the sport. His long-winded, almost fatherly explanations of rulings that are overturned are legendary time, only surpassed in his abs. He's a tough act to follow for anybody to follow, especially when you're the guy's own descendant. Shawn Hochuli will try his best, however, starting next season. Hochuli's son was selected as one of the 12 rookie Madden NFL 23 officiating officials for the 2014 season.

Shawn Hochuli worked in the conference. Pac-12 Conference last season, alongside Field judge John Jenkins, head linesman Patrick Turner and line judge Ed Walker. The fact that the greatest part of the new officials are from the Pac-12 is fascinating considering the conference's less-than-stellar reputation. In 2011 the Pac-12's officiating roster was revamped, and this last season, a Pac-12 team was the source of widely-publicized gaffes in non-conference bouts with Wisconsin as well as Arizona State, and Utah and BYU.

For fairness' sake, that exact same crew worked both games, and none of those officials are expected to make the transition to the Madden NFL 23 this year.

There's no word on whether Hochuli will be permitted to play games with his father as a side judge. Peter King raised the possibility to Madden NFL 23 vice president of officiating Dean Blandino two months ago however Blandino was adamant.

YAY Aaron RODGERS: Rodgers threw five touchdown passes during the Packers' victory at home on the Monday Night Football. In terms of statistical value, it was one of the most memorable games of his already storied career. He is a very good footballer.

BOO ALEX SMITH: Rodgers his counterpart was reluctant in throwing the ball down the field until late in the game. He seemed to be content despite an admittedly powerful Packers defense. In the end: Alex Smith was not good. Arrowhead Pride wondered why the Chiefs weren't able to play Chase Daniel in the second half. In some way, he was better than his terrible interception, however the concerns are valid. The game on Monday could have been quite different had buy Madden 23 ltds coins the Chiefs' second half offense was present in the first.

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