How to set iPhone phone ringtones simply and effectively

How to set iPhone phone ringtones simply and effectively

How to set iPhone ringtone instead of default music is information that many users are interested in during use. If you want to set the ringtone to a music you love.
1. Set iPhone ringtone using iTunes app
Step 1: Open the "iTunes" app on your phone Select or search for your favorite song. Then pay the song purchase fee.
Step 2: Click on "Settings" on your phone and select "Sound" Continue to click on "Ringtone" and select the downloaded song and you're done.
2. How to set ringtones for iPhone using GarageBand application
This way you can be more comfortable with many ringtones without worrying about the price, because they are completely free. More specifically, you can also set any ringtone you like.
To create your own personalized ringtones. telecharger sonnerie iphone will be the place to give you ideas to create your own style iPhone ringtones. Try it now and we will guide you step by step right below:
Step 1: Go to the Appstore to download the "GarageBand" app After opening the app, swipe right and tap "Audio Receiver".
Step 2: Find and click on the 3 dashed icon in the upper left corner of the interface as shown Select the Loop icon in the upper right corner of the screen Select your favorite song.
Step 3: Hold down the music file and drag and drop it to the left to add the song to the editing area Customize the song length according to your preferences to make a ringtone by dragging the 2 ends at the 2 ends of the track.
Step 4: Select the inverted triangle icon Select my song to save the song Long press on the saved song Click "Share". If you don't see the Share item, drag the menu item up.
Step 5: Next, select "Ringtone" Select "Export" and that's it

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