The gate in front of where you are starting is locked.
The gate in front of where you are starting is locked. Feb 28

The gate in front of where you are starting is locked.

days hours remaining

Furion along with Tyrande have brought the druids of the Talon from their slumber and rallied them in the fight against the legion that is burning. They will now plunge into the depths of the barrow and join forces with the powerful druids of the claw. What will they find in the depths beneath?

Walk-Through Like other dungeon-crawls you've participated in the one you're playing is quite linear. Start by going east and take on the wendigos in order to get an item of healing scroll, then turn south and fight the huge spiders. Enter another room that has more spiders, and you'll see that there are multiple pathways that lead in various directions. To the west, there's a room that contains World of Warcraft monsters and two small objects.

Other paths that run to the east will bring you to more spiders which is why you should follow them in the direction of the spiders, then head towards the south, passing a fountain that has been contaminated. There will be a few furbolgs who are begging for help from their poisoned shaman. pick up the empty vial, then head to the northwest. The fountain of life, guarded by giant lizards. Get the lizards out, get them healed and then put the vial inside to fill it up with water. Bring it back to the furbolgs, and you'll be given a talisman which you can make use of for summoning three furbolgs that are willing to fight. Then continue to go south along the main road.

Soon, you'll witness a short movie in the course of which Tyrande and her team take a decision, in defiance of Furion's wishes, to release the mysterious creature called Illidan further inside the dark dungeon. They'll break up leaving only Furion and a few assistance units. Continue on until you come to a chasm, with an enormous circle of power the middle. You can step over the circle to create an archway, then go on ahead, fighting people watching you when you come across them. The south side of the bridge is Mana's fountain If you're using Furion's tranquility spell on you, now is the perfect moment to make use of it to replenish your mana fast.

After that, head north and fight the dragons and finally, you'll meet the claw druids. They'll be attacking upon sight The best way to avoid them is to utilize the druid of the Talon's ability to cyclone them until you get away from them. Continue fighting other enemies, while neutralizing the Druids until you reach the circle of power, and shift into Tyrande's mission.

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28-02-23 - 11:00 Start date
16-12-23 - 11:00 End date
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